Facial implant placement

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Facial implants can help achieve desired balanced facial contours and structure. Chin is a very important part of the face, located in the midline of the face affecting the symmetry of the face and playing an important role in relation to other facial structures and in harmony.

For example, if the chin is not long enough, the middle third of the face and especially the nose may appear larger than normal. If the chin is too small, there is also a deficit in the line between the lower jaw and the neck. The neck will appear thicker and with folds, commonly called a double chin. Aging can further exacerbate the movement of fat under the chin and the weakening of the underlying striated muscle, which holds the soft tissue up under the chin.

Chin and jaw implants can help to give the desired contour and symmetry to the face. Medpor implants are commonly used in facial cosmetic surgery. They are the most widely used and widely accepted in the world because they allow for achieving the expected result with a minimum complication rate.

Implants are placed on top of the bone through small cuts in the oral mask. The scars of the operation are not visible because they are inside the mouth and the stitches do not need to be removed because they dissolve by themselves within one month.

Common post-operative symptoms include thickening of the soft tissue of the face in the operated area, accompanied by moderate swelling and bruising, which resolve on their own within two weeks. Over time, such implants integrate with the bone tissue and later look like a natural part of the body.

Prepared by https://heleianestalzibo.eu/et/laugude-plastika/ supplemented by Arstikeskus Confido.

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn


Duration up to
Facial plastic surgeon appointment
110 €
30 min
Installation of one implant in the facial area (under general anesthesia)
4380 €
Installation of two implants in the facial area (under general anesthesia)
7850 €

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