
A pulmonologist, or lung doctor, deals with lung and respiratory diseases.

Thoracic surgeon consultation

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Patients diagnosed with lung cancer are most likely to need the help of a thoracic surgeon.

You can consult a thoracic surgeon if you have suspected or diagnosed lung cancer, cancer metastasised in the lungs, benign tumours of the lungs and mediastinum, thymic gland disease, pulmonary bullous emphysema, suspected pneumothorax, chest cavity abscesses, chest wall deformities (such as funnel chest), and for the surgical treatment of bronchiectasis. You can also consult them for hyperhidrosis and blushing, benign tumours of the oesophagus and diverticula and tracheal tumours.

During the appointment, the thoracic surgeon will review the examinations already performed, assess the results of diagnostic tests (including chest CT scans, bronchoscopy, lung function tests, etc.) and, if necessary, make a more comprehensive diagnostic and treatment plan. A thoracic surgeon is concerned with the diagnosis and surgical treatment of thoracic organ diseases. During the appointment, the possibility of using minimally invasive or thoracoscopic thoracic surgery in diagnosis and treatment will be considered.

It is important for each individual to have a say in their own treatment and the lifestyle changes resulting from it.

Patients from the age of 16 are welcome for the consultation.

You do not need a referral for a paid consultation.

Thoracic surgeon consultations are held in cabinet L19, B-wing, 3rd floor, Veerenni 51, Tallinn.


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn


Thoracic surgeon consultation
Video consultation available
110 €

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Thoracic surgeon consultation