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Humans are exposed to thousands of pathogens every day. The immune system is continuously working to protect us against them, and its activity goes unnoticed. Vaccination helps the body’s immune system recognise and combat threats.

Vaccination results in the development of immunity similar to that of an infectious disease. This means that the human body is able to eradicate harmful micro-organisms before they multiply en mass when later exposed to the disease. This is how vaccination prevents the spread of infections.

The need for vaccination depends on a number of factors:

  • which infectious diseases the person has already had
  • which vaccinations they have already had
  • what their work-related risks are
  • whether there are dangerous disease outbreaks in Estonia
  • where they plan to travel in the near future

For any questions about vaccinations, please contact your Confido family doctor or general practitioner, who will arrange new vaccinations for you, if needed.

Vaccination against HPV

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HPV, or the human papillomavirus, is widespread and can cause malignant tumours in the genital area (e.g. cervical cancer, genital warts) and the head and neck area in both men and women. You can get vaccinated against HPV, and thereby prevent 90% of pre-cancerous conditions.

The HPV vaccine provides the most effective protection if administered before exposure to the virus, i.e. between the ages of 12 and 14. For more information, see the HPV information website. Starting from February 2024, free HPV vaccination will be provided for 12-18-year-old girls and boys (children aged 12-17 require parental consent). The vaccination consists of a single injection.

  • In 2024, as an exception, free vaccination will also be available for young people who turned 19 after 1 February 2024 and for some reason were not vaccinated against HPV. In this case, 2 doses of vaccination at a minimum interval of 6 months are administered.
  • If 12-18-year-olds who were vaccinated following the one-dose scheme before 1 February 2024 wish to be vaccinated with a second dose, then the second dose of vaccine is free for them.

From the age of 19, HPV vaccination is subject to a fee. The vaccination consists of 2-3 injections administered over a period of 12 months.

For young people, a single dose of the vaccine is sufficient. However, at a later age, two to three doses should be administered according to a specific schedule, the cost of which is not covered by the Health Insurance Fund.

Vaccination should be postponed during pregnancy or in case of an acute illness with a high fever. Vaccination during breastfeeding is permitted.

Vaccination information leaflet

For more information, please visit the hpv-info website


Vaccination against HPV
For adults from the age of 18
Vaccination against HPV
For adults from the age of 18
Vaccination against HPV
Estonian Health Insurance Fund
For girls and boys aged 12-18 (parental consent required). Vaccination consists of one injection.

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu
Viru Walk-in clinic
4th floor, Viru Väljak 4, Tallinn
Rocca Al Mare Walk-in clinic
Paldiski maantee 102, Tallinn

Vaccination against HPV