
A hematologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems. The main problems and reasons for consulting a hematologist: benign blood diseases (for example, anemia, and leukopenia), and malignant hematopoietic diseases (for example, leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma).

Consultation with a haematologist

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A heamatologist diagnoses and treats various haematogenesis related diseases such as multiple myeloma, hemophilias or bleeder’s diseases, leukemias, anemias, etc. Blood diseases are rare, but in diagnosing malignant blood diseases, a haematologist in cooperation with other specialists is able to distinguish between various forms of leukemia and lymphoma. In case of a timely intervention, malignant blood diseases can also be curable or controllable.

The primary testing and treatment of benign blood diseases such as iron deficiency anemia is the responsibility of a general practitioner.

We recommend seeing a haematologist to get an expert opinion on an existing diagnosis or treatment plan, to get additional advice by a top specialist for managing a disease, to monitor chronic diseases and for regular check-ups. If you come in for a consultation, we recommend taking along any blood tests and examinations already made.

Due to the development of medicine, blood disease treatment opportunities and results have significantly improved.

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu
Remote appointment
Via phone, video call or online chat


Duration up to
Consultation with a haematologist
(video consultation available)
110 €
30 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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Consultation with a haematologist