Ultrasonic facial cleansing

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Ultrasonic facial cleansing is an effective and painless way to cleanse the skin’s surface, unclog pores and normalise the function of the sebaceous glands. The use of ultrasound with chemical peels safely removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and promotes the renewal of the underlying skin cells. Ultrasound waves create micro-vibrations, accelerating cellular metabolism and improving blood and lymph supply to the skin. Facial skin becomes softer and smoother, skin tone evens out and, for problem skin, redness and inflammation recedes.

What are the contraindications for the procedure?

  • Viral infections of the skin, including herpes in the active phase
  • Damaged skin in the area to be treated
  • Cancerous tumours
  • Chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Use of strong prescription medicines
  • Pregnancy

Almost all of the above contraindications are relative and the final decision on the procedure will be made by the specialist during the personal examination and consultation before the procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure?

  • Do not sunbathe or go to the solarium for at least five to seven days before the procedure
  • Avoid active sports for one day before the procedure
  • We suggest that you use the products recommended by the specialist for skin preparation one to two weeks before the procedure
  • At least two weeks must have passed after filler injections and other injection procedures
  • Procedures are well tolerated and complications are rare

What should you take into consideration after the procedure?

  • Do not sunbathe or go to the solarium for at least seven days after the procedure
  • Do not get the skin wet for five hours after the procedure
  • Avoid active sports for one day
  • Avoid going to the sauna, including the steam sauna, and swimming pool for two days
  • Avoid drinking alcohol at least on the day of the procedure
  • Do not use active cosmetic products, aloe vera extracts or preparations containing essential oils
  • It is not recommended to use makeup products for 12 hours
  • After the procedure, slight redness may occur for up to one day
  • There may be slight scaling in individual areas for one to two days
  • The resulting skin flakes must not be removed mechanically
  • After one to three procedures, the skin condition may temporarily worsen
  • Allergic reaction may occur in the case of hypersensitivity
  • Use the care products recommended by the specialist
  • It is recommended to continue having the procedure regularly in order to supplement and maintain the result.


Skin care is based on a systematic approach. Our beauty specialist will help you choose the most suitable combination of acids and products, both in the case of professional and home care products, according to your skin condition and needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to carry out the ultrasonic cleansing procedure if there is acne on the face?

Usually not. The Confido Aesthetic Medicine Clinic specialist will help you introduce means that will accelerate the disappearance of inflammation and, after that, you can register for an ultrasonic cleansing procedure.

Will blackheads disappear forever?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of them forever, but the procedure will help normalise the work of the sebaceous glands, and regular care and cleaning will help avoid clogging of the pores.

Will it hurt me?

The procedure is painless, you will only feel a slight vibration.

What is the advantage of ultrasonic facial cleansing at Confido?

At our clinic, procedures are performed only by health workers or certified cosmetologists using modern equipment. Therefore, we can provide the highest quality and safest result with minimal discomfort for the patient.


Duration up to
Ultrasonic facial cleansing
85 €
45 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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Ultrasonic facial cleansing