Dental care

We provide a comprehensive dental care service, which includes the treatment and prevention of oral and dental diseases.

Routine implant check-up

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A dental implant, or artificial root, is a metal screw that can essentially replace an individual’s own tooth root.

After the implant has been fitted, it must be checked once a year by a dentist or implantologist. At the routine check-up, the dentist will assess the implant’s mobility, bone loss, the presence of infection and your dentition.

If necessary, X-ray scans will be performed in addition to the consultation (small X-rays and panoramic X-rays as well as comprehensive computed tomography scans can be performed). Once the necessary information has been collected, the doctor will explain the next steps in the treatment plan. Any further examinations are subject to an additional fee.

Different types of prosthetics can be attached to the implant. At Confido, we also offer a prosthetics service.

If any problems arise, your doctor will refer you to a specialist or offer you another solution.

To maintain the long-term results of implants, dentists recommend good oral hygiene and regular check-ups once a year.

Your dentist can advise you on the choice of hygiene products to care for your dental implants.


  • Upper respiratory infections (e.g. influenza, COVID-19 virus)
  • Oral herpes

We accept patients from the age of 19.


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn


Duration up to
Routine implant check-up
80 €
30 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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