Children’s mental health

A child’s mental health is a state of physical and mental wellbeing that enables them to go through important developmental stages, acquire essential life skills and reach physical, mental and social maturity.

The concept of mental health includes mental health problems, including psychological disorders, in addition to wellbeing. Both hereditary and environmental factors, including continuous stressful life events, play an important part in the development of mental disorders. The relationships surrounding the child, especially their relationships with their parents, are also significant. Addressing children’s mental health problems therefore requires cooperation between as many adults in their life as possible.

Child psychiatry focuses on diagnosing psychiatric disorders and planning interventions. This is usually done by a team of children’s psychiatry specialists working together. Our team includes a child’s psychiatrist, a clinical child’s psychologist, a child’s neuropsychologist, a family therapist and a speech therapist.

ADHD interview

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder the main symptoms of which are attention deficit, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity. ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders found among children and adolescents, affecting approximately 8% of children and nearly 7% of adults. The disorder typically starts in early childhood, often persists throughout the school years and continues to affect 30-50% of individuals into adulthood.

Common complaints include:

  • difficulty with attention and concentration,
  • forgetfulness,
  • excessive activity levels,
  • difficulty sticking to agreements and deadlines,
  • difficulty starting activities and organising tasks,
  • emotional and impulsive reactions.

One part of the diagnostic process for ADHD is the ADHD interview, also known as the DIVA interview.

The most crucial aspect of diagnosing ADHD is gathering information about the patient’s symptoms and struggles, both now and in childhood. During the interview, the onset, intensity and impact of symptoms on daily functioning and the patient’s life trajectory are specified.

How to prepare for the interview:

When preparing for the interview, it may be helpful to recall your childhood experiences and school years – whether you had any difficulties with your studies and if yes, what they were, as well as your relationships with peers and family and academic achievements. If you cannot remember details about your childhood, it would be good if you could discuss these questions beforehand with someone who remembers your childhood. If possible, we recommend bringing a loved one with you to the interview, preferably a family member, who can also comment on childhood. In the absence of this option, we recommend bringing a close person from your current stage of life who sees you in everyday life.

The need for an interview is decided and the results are interpreted by a mental health specialist (psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health nurse), who prepares a further treatment plan together with the patient.


ADHD interview
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ADHD interview