- Aesthetic surgery 7
- Bariatric surgery or surgical treatment of obesity 5
- Breast surgery 10
- Consultations 1
- Ear, nose and throat surgery 7
- Eye surgery 3
- General surgery 6
Gynaecological surgery 11
Operations and procedures 10
- Cervical conization
- Colposcopy
- Endometrial abrasion and biopsy
- Fixation of the urethra in case of urinary incontinence
- Laparoscopic surgeries of the uterus
- Placement and removal of a subcutaneous contraceptive implant
- Removal of Bartholin's cyst from the genital area
- Surgical abortion or surgical termination of pregnancy
- Uterine Cavity Examination and Surgical Treatment, or Ambulatory Hysteroscopy
- Vaginal reconstruction/ vaginoplasty
Operations and procedures 10
- Orthopaedic surgery 4
- Procedures and examinations 4
Proctological surgery 7
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