Youth Counselling Centre
The Youth Counselling Centre at Confido is open to all girls and boys up to the age of 26 (inclusive)who need advice or assistance resolving a problem related to their age-related psychological and social concerns, sexual health and pregnancy (and its prevention).
In the event of sexual health concerns, book an appointment with one of our experienced nurses or midwives, who can perform the necessary tests and refer you to a specialist (including a urologist, gynaecologist, psychologist) free of charge, where necessary.
Without the patient’s permission, no information about their health, test results or diagnosis discussed during the appointment will be passed on to parents, family doctors or anyone else. Issues and concerns discussed at the appointment will be dealt with in confidence.
Sexual health counselling
Look for appointment timesYou can receive professional counseling and answers to concerning questions about sexual health during a midwife’s consultation.
We recommend booking a consultation if:
- You have questions about the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs);
- You have concerns about intimate health, hygiene, or your menstrual cycle;
- You suspect a sexually transmitted infection and wish to get tested;
- You seek advice on topics related to sexuality;
- You need help selecting a contraceptive method or wish to renew a prescription;
- You suspect pregnancy and need it confirmed or ruled out.
As a specialist, the midwife serves as a supportive and advisory partner in both medical and psychosocial matters to ensure your sexual health is well-maintained.
Consultations and tests are FREE for young people up to the age of 26. If you are over 26, the service is fee-based.
Free counseling is available to young people with an Estonian personal identification code.
Sexual counseling
The service is aimed at people with questions or problems related to sexuality or sexual behaviour. You can see a sex therapist for questions regarding gender identity, sexual orientation and/or intimate relationships but also for disturbing sexual thoughts or behaviour.
The most common issues that sex therapists see are problems with sexual interest/desire, relationship problems and body(image) issues.
The consultation is conducted by midwife who has completed sexual counseling training at the comprehensive training of the Finnish Sexpo Foundation.
We provide this service
Sexual health counselling
Sexual health consultations
Midwife-sexual counselor consultation
We have several payment options. Read more HERE.
Sexual health counselling