A rheumatologist deals with the treatment and diagnostics of inflammatory joint and muscle diseases and systemic connective tissue diseases.
Consultation with a rheumatologist
Look for appointment timesA rheumatologist focuses on disorders of musculoskeletal system and systemic autoimmune conditions. The doctor is also an expert in gout, various rashes, psoriasis, fever, and young adults suffering from chronic lower back pain (3+ months).
Additionally, a rheumatologist can offer expert opinion on diagnoses and treatment plans, give additional advice on a chronic condition management, monitoring, and follow-up.
A doctor can also order extra tests and analyses and collaborates with other specialists at our clinic. We also offer intra-articular injections. In Tartu, we will provide this service from 2022.
We also provide this service within the framework of the Health Insurance Fund. An appointment financed by a contract with the Health Insurance Fund can only be booked by calling +372 666 27 27 or at the Digital Registry »
NB! Health insurance receptions take place only in Tartu. The patient has to pay a visit fee of €5. More information about Health Insurance Fund receptions here.
Service providers
We provide this service
Consultation with a rheumatologist
Consultation with a rheumatologist
Rheumatologist consultation with a referral
Health Insurance FundWe have several payment options. Read more HERE.