
Confido employs psychologists, clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists. Psychologists deal with the prevention of mental health issues, support psychological wellbeing and self-assertion and provide psychological counselling.

Confido employs psychologists, clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists. Psychologists deal with the prevention of mental health issues, support psychological wellbeing and self-assertion and provide psychological counselling. Clinical psychologists deal with the assessment and treatment of the psyche and mental disorders using various methods of testing and psychotherapy. Neuropsychologists specialise in understanding the relationship between the physical brain and behaviour and also diagnose and treat disorders related to brain damage and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Sexual counseling

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A sex therapist consultation is a solution-focused counselling service.
The service is aimed at people with questions or problems related to sexuality or sexual behaviour. You can see a sex therapist for questions regarding gender identity, sexual orientation and/or intimate relationships but also for disturbing sexual thoughts or behaviour.

The most common issues that sex therapists see are problems with sexual interest/desire, relationship problems and body(image) issues.

The counselling is carried out by a highly experienced psychologist who is undergoing an extensive training course for sex therapists at the Finnish Sexpo Foundation. The cost of the consultation during the internship period is €50.


Duration up to
Consultation of a psychologist-sexual counselor
(video consultation available)
50 €
60 min
Duration up to
Consultation of a clinical psychologist-sexual counselor
(video consultation available)
60 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


Book in self-service


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Tartu Raatuse clinic
6th floor, Raatuse 21, Tartu