Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens, which are mostly invisible microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. An infectious disease doctor deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases caused by pathogens.

Travel consultation

Look for appointment times

Travel consultation is necessary when planning a trip. Travel medical advice is necessary to mitigate health risks for the traveller. The appropriate time to come for a consultation is four to six weeks before the planned trip.

During the consultation, we will assess the health risks based on the destination, time of year, duration and nature of the trip and the availability of healthcare services. Travel consultation is individual, meaning we take into account the traveller’s age, sex, previous vaccinations, underlying medical conditions, daily medications, allergies and previous travel experience.

During the travel consultation, we will provide specific recommendations for vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis as well as on how to prepare a travel pharmacy. If necessary, we will discuss various aspects of travelling with children.

We will record all vaccinations administered by us in your vaccination passport. If necessary, we will issue a new passport. We will send you a reminder if you need to be vaccinated again.

Two people who are travelling to the same destination can come together for an appointment. Depending on your health status, you can choose between an appointment with an infectious disease doctor and an appointment with a nurse.

The appointment includes:
  • Risk assessment – taking into account the risks associated with the destination, nature of the trip and the traveller’s age, including underlying medical conditions, allergies, daily medications, travel experience.
  • Recommendations for vaccinations. If necessary, vaccinations can be administered for an additional cost according to the price list. An international certificate will be issued for yellow fever vaccination; a relevant certificate will be issued if vaccination is contraindicated.
  • Advice on diseases that cannot be prevented with vaccines (including altitude sickness), prevention, treatment options, special considerations for children and the elderly.
  • Recommendations for medication to be brought along: the ‘travel pharmacy’.
  • Explanations of mosquito-borne infectious diseases, including malaria prophylaxis (especially for travel destinations in Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar and South Africa).
A doctor’s consultation is necessary if:
  • you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness or have a medical condition that requires daily medication;
  • you have not been vaccinated before or have been vaccinated according to another country’s schedule;
  • you have contraindications for vaccination and need a certificate;
  • you are travelling for more than six months or repeatedly to a high-risk area;
  • you require malaria prophylaxis;
  • you are planning a trip to the mountains (altitude sickness);
  • health problems that occurred during the trip persist (post-travel consultation).
A nurse consultation is suitable for you if:
  • you are travelling for a short period of time (up to 3 months);
  • you need vaccination advice;
  • you want general health advice and information on what to pack in your travel pharmacy.

NB! If you are traveling to the mountains or have chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult an infectious disease doctor. A nurse consultation does not include a prescription. Prescriptions are available at an additional cost.

Before arriving for the consultation, consider:
  • the destination country (or countries, if your trip includes multiple countries);
  • the start and duration of your trip;
  • the purpose of your trip (work or leisure);
  • activities during the trip, such as swimming, hiking, skiing, etc.;
  • any previous vaccination information; if available, bring your vaccination passport.

We provide this service

Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Rocca Al Mare Walk-in clinic
Paldiski maantee 102, Tallinn
Tartu Raatuse clinic
6th floor, Raatuse 21, Tartu
Remote appointment
Via phone, video call or online chat


Travel medicine consultation (doctor’s consultation)
Video consultations are also available
110 €
Travel medicine consultation (nurse consultation)

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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