Weight management

At the Confido Weight Management Centre, we offer comprehensive, scientific and healthy solutions for maintaining, losing or gaining weight. We will guide you in setting goals and achieving them by offering various health services and a support network to help you reach your desired weight, improve wellbeing, prevent diseases or keep chronic diseases under control and nourish your body with a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss package

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Confido’s weight loss package is designed to help create a strong foundation for  healthy weight loss  and to maintain it.  Developing new habits takes time and following them independently can seem complicated, increasing the risk of slipping, so we consider it important to provide consistent support in the early stages. We also approach each client individually, with our team of specialists creating the best plan for you according to your needs, habits and desires and supporting you in achieving your goals.

The three-month package starts with a blood test, a mental health assessment, measuring physical indicators and mapping current dietary habits to gain an overview of your current situation. Throughout the entire period, a nutritionist, trainers and a doctor are available to support you as needed. 

The nutritionist will guide and direct you and explain the principles of healthy eating and the trainer will help increase physical activity, taking into account your physical condition. The packages also include doctor consultations as needed, where the doctor gives advice, refers you to a specialist or prepares a treatment plan based on medical indicators. Specialists also pay attention to mental health for the duration of the package and guide clients to the appropriate professionals if needed.

The three-month packages include:


  • First visit (1 hour):
    • Blood tests
    • SECA body analysis (only in Tallinn)
    • Weight, height, waist and neck circumference, blood pressure
    • Mental health assessment
      P.S. We ask that you don’t eat/drink for 12 hours prior to the appointment (you can drink unflavoured water)
  • Consultation with a nutritionist (1 hour)
  • Consultation with a family doctor if necessary (at the nurse’s discretion)
  • Brief consultation with a nutritionist 3x
  • Meal plan (sample menus)
  • Personal training (only in the PLUS package) 2x
  • PowerPlate training (only in the PLUS package) 2x


  • Consultation with a nutritionist (1 hour)
  • Brief consultation with a nutritionist 3x
  • Personal training (only in the PLUS package) 2x
  • PowerPlate training (only in the PLUS package) 2x


  • Consultation with a nutritionist (1 hour)
  • Brief consultation with a nutritionist 3x
  • SECA body analysis (valid for one year) (only in Tallinn)
  • Personal training (only in the PLUS package) 2x
  • PowerPlate training (only in the PLUS package) 2x
  • Training plan (only in the PLUS package, price in the standard package is €50)
  • Group training (unlimited if there are available spots) (only in the PLUS package, price in the standard package is €15 per session)
  • Repeat doctor consultation (at the nurse’s discretion)

P.S. Trainings, training plans and the SECA body analysis are available only in Tallinn.

We recommend the package if:

  • you want to lose weight permanently without dieting;
  • you have tried several diets but the weight always comes back;
  • you want to achieve your weight goal in a healthy way;
  • you need consistent support on your weight loss journey;
  • you plan to make your diet and lifestyle healthier;
  • you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness (e.g. high blood pressure, type two diabetes, high cholesterol).

The package is not suitable for you if:

  • you expect rapid and extensive weight loss (e.g. within two to four weeks);
  • you do not take responsibility for changing your lifestyle – we will support you, but you are solely responsible for the weight loss result;
  • you have been diagnosed with an eating disorder (in this case, we recommend a consultation with a nutrition therapist);
  • you are under 16 years old.

Booking an appointment

By purchasing the package, you book an appointment for the first visit. The remaining reservations are made on an ongoing basis.

We do not refund money for an incomplete package and we do not change services.



Duration up to
Weight Loss Package
three months
Weight Loss PLUS package
3 months
Duration up to
Weight Loss Package
3 months

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn
Confido Tartu Raatuse Clinic
Raatuse 21, Tartu


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Weight loss package