Urological surgery

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Urethral fixation in case of urinary incontinence

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There are various types of urinary incontinence, with stress and urge incontinence being the most common.

Stress incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine due to low pressure in the urethra during exertion (jumping, running, etc.), weakness of the pelvic connective tissue and muscles. In milder cases, special exercises or medications may be helpful.

In the case of urge incontinence, there is a problem with controlling bladder filling. The bladder irritability has increased and the suppression of the urination reflex is impaired.

Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence using the sling method is indicated in cases of stress or mixed urinary incontinence. In the latter case, both forms of the disease occur at the same time.


The aim of the urinary incontinence surgery is to support the connection between the urethra and the bladder so that the urethra does not open during physical exertion.

In the sling method, a sling made of special material is used to support the urethra, which is placed under the vagina. The ends of the sling are brought out with a special needle in the groin area. Two 0.5 cm skin incisions are made there beforehand, which are later closed. The threads are removed on an outpatient basis 5 days after the operation.

We provide this service

Remote appointment
Via phone, video call or online chat


Duration up to
Urethral fixation in case of urinary incontinence
For women
Starting from 2600 €
Specialist doctor's appointment
Prior to surgery
Starting from 110 €
30 min

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