Health certificates

Motor vehicle drivers health control and certificate C CE D DE cat and proffensionals

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The purpose of the medical examination carried out before the issue of a medical certificate is to ensure that the person has no medical contraindications to driving a motor vehicle and that the driver is in a sufficiently good state to be in traffic.

This service includes:

  • nurse’s appointment
  • ECG
  • blood test to determine blood glucose (if not analysed during the last year)
  • general practitioner’s or family doctor’s appointment
  • in the absence of contraindications, the issuance of a certificate by a doctor.

How is the certificate issued?

In order to apply for a health certificate for a driving license, the patient must first fill in an electronic health declaration on the patient portal to assess his/her health condition. In this way, a pre-filled medical certificate is created and the patient sees what he or she needs to do to obtain the certificate, including whether he or she has diagnoses that may prevent him or her from obtaining a medical certificate in the desired area of use. Whether or not a diagnosis is a contraindication for the issuance of a certificate is decided on a case-by-case basis by the medical doctor who also evaluates the pre-filled certificate.

Next, there will be a nurse’s appointment, where the health examinations and measurements necessary to assess compliance with the health requirements will be performed. The nurse measures arterial blood pressure, checks visual acuity and field of view, calculates body mass index, measures neck circumference, performs blood sugar analysis and an ECG.

For the appointment, bring along:

  • personal identification document
  • aids used permanently or while driving (glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, prostheses, etc.)
  • a specialist’s confirmation about the use of a medical device for the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome.

The nurse’s appointment is followed by a general practitioner’s or family doctor’s appointment, where a health certificate is issued based on the results of the health examination.

Please note! The doctor reserves the right to request additional examinations or specialist assessments and not to issue a certificate if the patient’s state of health does not meet the requirements.

We provide this service

Rocca Al Mare Walk-in clinic
Paldiski maantee 102, Tallinn
Tartu Raatuse clinic
6th floor, Raatuse 21, Tartu


Duration up to
Motor vehicle drivers health control and certificate C CE D DE cat and proffensionals
99 €
45 min
Duration up to
Motor vehicle drivers health control and certificate C CE D DE cat and proffensionals
79 €
45 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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