Dental care

We provide a comprehensive dental care service, which includes the treatment and prevention of oral and dental diseases.

Routine implant check-up with dentist’s consultation

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During the consultation, the dentist will check the patient’s oral cavity. They will identify any oral diseases, check the condition of the gums and the presence of cavities. The aim of the consultation is to make sure that there are no infections or teeth in need of treatment.

In addition, the dentist will assess the implant’s mobility, bone loss, the presence of infection and your dentition. The implant must be checked once a year.

If necessary, X-ray scans will be performed in addition to the consultation (small X-rays and panoramic X-rays as well as comprehensive computed tomography scans can be performed). Once the necessary information has been collected, the doctor will explain the next steps in the treatment plan. Any further examinations are subject to an additional fee.

Dentists recommend preventative dental check-ups every six months to avoid dental health deterioration and to catch any potential diseases in time.

Before the consultation:

  • Think through the questions you want the dentist to answer.
  • Make sure you don’t have any upper respiratory infections to protect the healthcare workers. Swallowing is also more difficult when you are sick.
  • We recommend cleaning your teeth and mouth before your appointment. Confido also has hygiene facilities where you can brush your teeth with your own supplies. We also have disposable toothbrushes and toothpaste available.
  • Carefully fill in the pre-appointment questionnaire and feel free to tell us about any other medical conditions you have and your daily medications in order to make the dental treatment as effective as possible.


  • Upper respiratory infections (e.g. influenza, COVID-19 virus)
  • Oral herpes

We accept patients from the age of 19.


Confido Medical Centre
Veerenni 51, Tallinn


Duration up to
Routine implant check-up with dentist’s consultation
110 €
45 min

We have several payment options. Read more HERE.


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