Internal diseases

An internist is a specialist with broad specialization who has knowledge of non-surgical diseases of organ systems, prevention, diagnostics, and treatment options.

An internist is a specialist with broad specialization who has knowledge of non-surgical diseases of organ systems, prevention, diagnostics, and treatment options. The main reasons and problems for which an internist has consulted: are anemia with a high inflammatory index, suspected tumors, and multiple diseases.

Thrombosis doctor deals with the treatment and monitoring of thrombosis patients and the treatment of thromboembolism during pregnancy. Thrombosis is a blockage of a blood vessel caused by a blood clot inside a blood vessel. This happens when a blood clot, or thrombus, slows or completely blocks blood flow in a vein or artery. The main problems and reasons for consulting a thrombosis doctor: anticoagulant therapy, blood clots, thrombosis, thromboembolism, venous thrombosis, and tumor-induced thrombosis.

You can see an internist or a thrombosis doctor without a referral.

Consultation with an thrombosis doctor

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The internist-thrombosis doctor, Dr Marianne Laheäär deals with questions related to the causes of all venous thromboembolism (e.g. deep vein or other location venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and thrombosis accompanying tumours). Additional she advises on the concrete choice of medication for blood thinning, length of treatment, establishing the end of treatment, the need for different analysis affecting the coagulation system and the need for additional testing, as well as evaluating the need for continued thromboprophylaxis.

All people with a high risk of thrombosis that will be undergoing an operation or have just been operated and their thromboprophylaxis measures require re-evaluation are also awaited for consultations.

The doctor gives people with venous thrombosis advice on lifestyle and means of assistance, such as the use of compression therapy stockings. No referral is required for making an appointment.

It is regrettably known that every 4th death in world is caused by venous thromboembolism. The awareness of patients about treatments and prophylaxis is important. I can help improve informedness and awareness, so that a person can assist themselves to the maximum.


Duration up to
Consultation with an thrombosis doctor
110 €
30 min
Consultation with an thrombosis doctor
(Video consultation)
110 €
30 min

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Consultation with an thrombosis doctor