Preparation checklist for the analysis

Important information before your blood test

  • You can eat and drink as usual the day before your blood test. Please avoid consuming alcohol, coffee and excessively fatty foods.
  • For some blood tests, you will need to refrain from eating or drinking for 10 to 14 hours. If necessary, you can drink clean, non-carbonated water. This time may vary depending on the specific analysis package (see specifications below). We recommend drinking water. If you have had any problems with blood tests or with locating blood vessels, let the person drawing your blood know.
  • Avoid smoking and strenuous physical exercise before blood tests.
  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes before the blood test so that you can relax and your blood circulation can stabilise.


Thyroid function analysis package
We recommend booking your appointment between 09:00 and 10:00 in the morning when TSH levels are normalised. Blood TSH levels rise in the evening and peak at night.

Alcohol impact assessment analysis package
Do not eat or drink for two to three hours before the blood test. If necessary, you can drink one glass of clean, unflavoured, non-carbonated water during this time.

Food sensitivity analysis package
Do not eat or drink for three to four hours before the blood test. If necessary, you can drink one glass of clean, unflavoured, non-carbonated water during this time.

Lactose intolerance analysis package
Venous blood will be drawn three times with small intervals. Make sure you spare at least one hour for the blood test.

Medication use

  • You can take your prescription medications as prescribed by your doctor before the blood test. If you are taking thyroid medications, you must take them at least four hours before the blood test.
  • Avoid taking over-the-counter medications on the same day. If you have taken over-the-counter medications on the same day, let the person drawing your blood know.

Important information after a blood test

  • The puncture site may be painful, and a haematoma or a bruise may develop after a blood test.
  • To avoid bruising, apply pressure on the puncture site with your other hand and do not bend your arm or lift heavy objects (handbag, shopping bag, child, weights, etc.).
  • If bruising does occur, allow your arm to rest and put something cold on the puncture site (e.g. an ice pack wrapped in a towel).
  • After the blood test, stay in the waiting room, monitor your well-being for at least 15 minutes and drink some water (readily available in waiting rooms).
  • Before leaving the clinic, make sure that the bleeding has stopped and that you are feeling well.

Test results

Blood test results will be sent directly to the patient portal (

For interpretation of test results, we recommend a remote consultation with a general practitioner. In case of abnormal results, the general practitioner will prescribe treatment or refer you for further analyses. Book an appointment for interpreting test results.