Doctor Sula is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon who specialises mainly in shoulder joint problems (including trauma, arthroscopies and prosthetics). With 20 years of experience as an orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, he performs approximately 400 surgeries a year, more than 50% of which involve the shoulder joint. Hip and knee joint replacements also make up a significant portion of his daily work.

To this day, he works in parallel with Confido at the largest trauma centre in Estonia, the North Estonia Medical Centre.

Meelis Sula received his medical education at the University of Tartu and completed his orthopaedic residency both in Estonia and at Waterbury Hospital (Keggi Orthopaedic Foundation, Connecticut, USA).

After his studies, he has furthered his education through the following Fellowships:

  • 2016 – AO Fellowship (Canada, Halifax)
  • 2012 – AGA Fellowship (Hannover, prof Ph. Lobenhoffer/J.Agneskirchner)
  • 2011 – ESSKA Fellowship (Paris, Hospital Ambrois Pare, prof. Ph. Hardy)

Dr Sula is a member of the following professional societies:

  • European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow
  • AO Trauma/AO Trauma Estonia
  • Estonian Association of Orthopaedics
  • Estonian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology